A Brief Look at Modular Refrigeration for Florida Foodservice Operations
Commercial refrigeration is extremely important to Florida foodservice operators for a variety of reasons. From dealing with ambient temperatures to the location of the units, a wide range of factors should be included depending on the type of operation.
Depending on the applications for which it's being used, modular refrigeration, or knocking down refrigeration, might make sense. It's an efficient solution in terms of transport and moving products, and its reduced space is ideal for both shipping and stocking of the units. But what are some other features and benefits to look for in modular refrigeration?
The right modular knock down refrigeration manufacturer will make units easy to store or assemble. This is one of the major benefits. They can literally be installed everywhere and are designed for installation in very narrow spaces.
Modular refrigeration should be designed to meet a wide range of needs and applications. Determine if you need a glass window on your door, as well as how many doors you'll actually need. Some additional options include key lock, adjustable feet, and refrigerated work tables.
In Florida, we spend a lot of time eating and drinking outside. Having the right set of modular refrigeration can provide operational efficiencies in a wide variety of locations.
Learn more about modular knocking down refrigeration and other professional refrigeration solutions. Read the Desmon Coolbook Guide to Professional Refrigeraton today.
Written by Kevin Eaton
Kevin Eaton is the President of Eaton Marketing & Associates and a seasoned Manufacturer Rep in Florida.