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How To Choose Commercial Cooking Equipment Prior To Purchase

How to choose commercial cooking equipment prior to purchase

Cooking equipment is a term that is used to refer to tools that are required in the preparation, display and serving of food. As you would expect, there are numerous items in this category, making it even more important to be aware of exactly what you should be on the look out for when selecting the equipment. So just how to you choose commercial cooking equipment prior to purchase?


The first thing that you must differentiate is whether the commercial cooking equipment is for individual use or is intended for commercial use as this will dictate the size and price range of the choice that you make. This article is intended to shed light on decisions to be made in case of the latter.

There are millions of hotels scattered across the world, each with a unique target clientele and menu. To execute this as perfectly as possible, the kitchens need to get commercial grade cooking equipment. It is preferable to go for high quality equipment of this is to be a success. For instance, the most basic component of the cooking equipment is the burner. Buyers have a wide range to choose from, ranging from one burner to twelve burners. The number of burners will be determined by the scope of kitchen activity, and increases in proportion with the establishment’s occupancy. A point of concern however, when choosing burners for commercial kitchens, it is advisable to stick to gas as electric burners take relatively long to heat and will usually leave you with extremely high bills.

A commercial griddle is yet another integral part of the cooking equipment package, particularly if the establishment serves breakfast items such as pancakes, bacon, ham and eggs. The size of the plates serves as the distinguishing factor between the two with thick plates working better than thin plates as they provide regular distribution of heat. For your grilling needs, make sure that you get a high quality charboiler, preferably one with a tilting grate attached. The grate permits grease to flow down the grate as opposed to towards the source of heat.

Hotels which require microwave services need to go for commercial brands, with the particular model selected matching the needs of the restaurant. Microwaves make up a crucial part of cooking equipment as they improve efficiency and create diversity in food preparation methods. The importance of a freezer cannot be underestimated if you would like to retain food freshness. Choose from stand alone units or in built ones. Lastly, do not forget the importance of dishwashing equipment.


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How To Choose Commercial Cooking Equipment