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Florida Beverage Trends in 2015: Wine On Tap

Florida Beverage Trends in 2015: Wine On Tap

Perlick Wine on TapWine on tap has been a growing trend in the United States for a few years now, and like the craft beer movement, its popularity is also increasing across the state of Florida. Foodservice operators who are willing to look into new and innovative wine delivery methods can increase revenues in the New Year.


How to Increase Beverage Revenues with Wines On Tap

Provide choice.

Guests who prefer drinking wines by the glass are becoming more common, and as this market segment grows, the demand for greater choice grows with it. Paying premium prices for a single glass of high-end wine is often more palatable than splurging for the entire bottle. By ofering greater choice including top-end selections, beverage programs can increase wine sales in general, and increase wine-by-the-glass sales in particular. This means more wine sales at a larger mark up.

Eliminate bottles.

Wine bottles aren't cost efficient for many reasons. They're more expensive to store and recycle. They lead to spoilage. And they're costly when compared to kegs. With wines on tap, you can reduce time spent on reordering and storing wine. You can cut the time and money it takes to dispose of wine bottles. You can make your operation 'greener'. You can eliminate wine lost to spoilage. And you can serve approximately 26 bottles of wine from a keg at roughly half the cost of pouring from a bottle.

Develop your own brand.

The wine-on-tap movement has allowed for innovative branding opportunities. By partnering with wineries, restaurants can now develop their own line of private label wines. This allows for greater price control, and most important, contributes to the overall branding of the establishment. 

How to Start a Wine-On-Tap Program

A wine-on-tap program requires the right inventory of wine and the right delivery system. Companies like Perlick provide a wine delivery system with their WINEcertified guarantee against any inconsistencies in temperature, light exposure, and oxidation that can destroy wine quality.

It's also important to source the wine brands you intend to serve, as well as relevant distribution partners. To receive a list of Free Flow Wines distribution partners and wine brands in keg, download your quick reference guide today.

 Perlick Wine On Tap