The Importance of Commercial Kitchen Ventilation
So much time and effort goes into the lead up of a steak coming off the grill. There's the ordering and the prep. There's the menu and the processes that bring it to life. There's even the hiring and training of the staff that will cook it and deliver it. But what about those moments after the steak? What about the important features of your foodservice establishment that don't get all the attention? What about commercial kitchen ventilation?
It's safe to say ventilation equipment isn't going to excite your kitchen staff the same way a new combi oven might, but in reality, ventilation is even more important. The right system should capture harmful contaminants, improve air quality, and do so without wasting energy. It should balance the air in the kitchen and support the building's overall heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system (HVAC). Essentially, any air that exits the building must be replaced.
Clearing the Air in Your Commercial Kitchen
The easiest way to keep the air quality in your kitchen at safe and healthy levels is to contain the mixture of heat, smoke, and grease released from your kitchen's appliances. You can do this with a variety of tricks, such as pushing appliances against the wall to remove air gaps, but the most effective way is to dedicate the right equipment to the job.
Commercial kitchen ventilation hoods are some of the most important pieces of equipment for efficient HVAC systems. Effective units will have high capture efficiency standards to capture and contain harmful kitchen exhausts. The most effective units will implement new, innovative technologies
Introducing Capture Jet® Technology from Halton
Capture Jet® technology is an innovative system from Halton that reduces the effective net exhaust volumes while improving extraction and efficiency with a fan and minimal ductwork. Halton's Capture Jet hoods use air curtains to prevent heat and impurities from infiltrating the work area.
When compared with conventional exhaust hoods that rely on suction, Halton's Capture Jet hoods have a 20 to 40% lower required exhaust volume for extracting an equivalent heat and contaminant load. What does that mean? Savings from lower installation and operating costs. Capture Jet also removes 95% of all grease particles that are larger than eight microns, which saves on energy and maintenance costs because of the low pressure loss and easy-to-clean stainless steel filters.