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Thermo-Kool - August 23, 2017

A Look Behind the Scenes at a Successful Florida Restaurant Chain That Is Quickly Going National

If you live anywhere in Florida, there's likely a Miller's Ale House coming to a town near you if there's not one already. The Orlando-based chain has numerous locations across the state, from Miami to the Panhandle. If you live elsewhere in the United States, from Chicago to Philadephia to the whole East Coast, there's likely a Miller's Ale House heading your way, as well.

But what makes Miller's Ale House so successful, and what does it look like behind the scenes?

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Perlick - January 17, 2017

Perlick Celebrates 100 Years of Bar and Beverage Equipment

The year was 1917. The nation’s attention was on the First World War. The price of a stamp was a measly two cents. How much did it cost to see 1917’s top grossing film, Cleopatra? Seven cents. Meanwhile in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the same city that was home to the Miller Brewing Company, more history was being made.

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Perlick - October 26, 2016

A Brief Guide to Crafting Fall Cocktails

Even in Florida, fall is the season for change – changing leaves, temperatures, and…cocktails? That’s right, cocktails. As the fall season hits in Florida, so do the requests for more fall-flavored cocktails in bars and restaurants.

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