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Bar & Beverage - November 25, 2019

The Importance of Organization in Your Bar’s Walk-In Cooler

It’s the moment every bartender or operator dreads. Your most popular craft beer has been pouring all night and suddenly the tap sputters and then…nothing. The keg is kicked, and it’s up to one brave soul to venture into the walk-in cooler to replace the beer keg. It will involve climbing, crawling, and somehow even sweating inside the frigid beer cooler. There must be an easier way, right?

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Custom Fab & Serving Equipment - July 15, 2019

Two Ways Eaton Marketing Can Help Your K-12 School Cafeteria

Two Ways Eaton Marketing Can Help Your K-12 School Cafeteria

School cafeteria staff are the unsung heroes of Florida schools from kindergarten through high school. They provide nourishment to hundreds if not thousands of students each day, whether it be breakfast, lunch, or both. Most important, though, they provide enjoyment to students and a break in the day from the rigors of academics. Day in, day out, this service must be done efficiently and under strict health and nutrition guidelines.

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RDT - July 09, 2019

The Importance of Commercial Refrigeration Redundancy

The Importance of Commercial Refrigeration Redundancy

Each year, over 48 million people become ill from foodborn illnesses. When food spends too much time in the Danger Zone between 40ºF and 140ºF, dangerous bacteria can rapidly multiply on our food sources and ingredients. This is why commercial refrigeration is so important and why it's so critical for foodservice operations to maintain working refrigeration systems at all times.

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Ventilation - April 26, 2019

The Importance of Commercial Kitchen Ventilation

So much time and effort goes into the lead up of a steak coming off the grill. There's the ordering and the prep. There's the menu and the processes that bring it to life. There's even the hiring and training of the staff that will cook it and deliver it. But what about those moments after the steak? What about the important features of your foodservice establishment that don't get all the attention? What about commercial kitchen ventilation?

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