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Perlick - January 08, 2018

[Interactive Guide] Ideal Wine Serving Temperatures for Florida Beverage Programs

How you store, dispense, and serve your wine will have a great impact on your customers' experiences. One of the easiest ways to make sure you're serving wine correctly is to serve it at the right temperatures. Much like serving beer at ideal temperatures, your wine's bouquet and flavor profiles are directly impacted by temperature.

Here's an interactive guide to serving wine at the ideal temperature in your Florida beverage program.

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Perlick - December 08, 2017

How Much Is Your Florida Beverage Program Losing from Foamy Beer?

How Much Is your Florida Beverage Program Losing from Foamy Beer.png 

More than just about any other climate or location, Florida's temperatures make it harder for beer to make it from the keg to the glass in the right temperature. And as any bar and beverage director knows, serving beer that is too warm can result in excess foam and lost profits.

So how much is your  Florida beverage program losing from foamy beer? Check out this animation from Perlick and go into the bubbles and behind the numbers.

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